“They Will Know We Are Christians By Our Love”

By Paul Ashton, Psy.D., D.Min.
Consultant to the VIRTUS® Programs

Cross on chainAsk Jesus what he wants from you and be brave!
Pope Francis

The Holy Spirit descended upon the frightened Apostles huddled in that upper room afraid of what might become of them. In an instant, they were gifted by the Spirit to boldly speak the Good News of Jesus Christ in ways they never knew they could, and in languages they never previously understood. And thus, we celebrate the great birthday of the Church! 

When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together. And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were. Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them. And they were all filled with the holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim. [Acts 2:1-4] 

We celebrate our Salvation History best by remembering and reliving the great things God has done for us, which has brought us to this sacred time in history. There is no better way to celebrate Pentecost than by doing exactly what the Apostles did before us—go out and spread the Good News!

Below are 10 easy ways each of us can carry forth the message of Jesus this Pentecost. The old song from the 60’s still rings true: “They’ll Know We Are Christians By Our Love!”

Be a Light
The world is filled with darkness and suffering. Our friends, families and coworkers suffer all around us. In your conversations, in listening to others in working and being with them in their trials you bring light to the darkness. Be mindful of your bright message of Hope. Use your power to light up the darkness even for a few moments for another who is floundering in the darkness.

Offer Direction
So many people say they are spiritual now, and not religious. We are both. We carry our Faith through all that we do spiritually. Don’t be shy about the way in which Jesus has empowered you. Don’t hide your good news; share it! Don’t preach, don’t quote and don’t do anything but point in the direction of Jesus whose power working in you has made all the difference.

Catholics are joyful people, but sometimes you wouldn’t know it. We are often afraid to smile. Try it! It is contagious! When done genuinely, it is warm, inviting, catchy, and it brings joy to others. A kind smile goes a long way to a mother struggling to manage her kids in a supermarket line. A warm smile makes someone in an uncomfortable situation feel accepted. A welcoming smile makes people feel a part of something, and it encourages them to participate.

Say God Bless You
Not just when someone sneezes. Say it when the situation calls for it. Say it when you are listening to the achievements of another. Say it when someone is in despair and doesn’t know what to do. Say it when another comes to you for encouragement. Say it when someone is showing anger or impatience. Don’t be shy to call upon the power of God and the many blessings He has for us.

Share a cheeseburger
So when you are passing a fast food place and notice someone outside who might be in need, pass along a cheeseburger. When you are cooking up a storm, throw in a few extra pieces of chicken and share a dish with a needy neighbor. When you bake, bring some to share at work. When you are at the supermarket buy an extra can or two of soup to donate to the local food pantry. If you are so inclined, invite a lonely, depressed, sad or needy person for dinner. Share what little or bounty you have.

Turn the other cheek
How many times in a day or week are we prone to road rage, lashing out at an indifferent sales person, or being sarcastic to a telemarketer? Try being nice. Try pausing, counting to 10 and become a model of politeness. It works. It is catchy, and when you are nice in the face of another’s hostility you instantly model Christ.

This is a hard one. Forgiving isn’t easy, but it is so healthy for body, mind and spirit. Forgiving frees us from being chained to the hurts in life that drag us down. When you forgive, you open a door to better places in your life. Forgiving allows you to be you; to be free of the pain that others cause. It doesn’t mean sticking around for more, it means moving onward and forward.

In all of our lives we know someone who is alone for one reason or another. They can get too comfortable being alone, and we all need people and relationships. Make an extra effort to invite someone for a lunch, dinner, walk or ice cream or even to a liturgy. It is a good thing.

When you count your blessings, win the lottery, your child makes the honor roll, your boss praises you—don’t forget to offer praise to God. Say it aloud. Let people hear you. When they praise, return the praise and glory to God. Acknowledging God within you encourages the God working in others to shine forth.

Show someone God’s love
You’ll know whom; you’ll know when. Just get the courage to do it. Step outside of your comfort zone; don’t be shy; act on the love within you and share it with another person. It doesn’t matter how; it only matters that you do it. They’ll know us by our Love. Enjoy spreading the Good News! Be brave!

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