Watch Out For These Summer Hazards

By Caitlin Bootsma
Consultant to the VIRTUS® Programs

"While children and their parents look forward to summer fun, tragically it is also the time of year when most unintentional injury related deaths occur," said Project Manager Susan Winn. 

Does this mean we should stay inside all summer long? Absolutely not! But if you are a caregiver of children, you should keep in mind there is an increased risk for the following hazards:

  • Sunburn: This is an obvious one, but sunscreen can prevent a lot of discomfort!
  • Head injuries: With a lot of balls flying through the air, kids jumping off diving boards and playing on swing sets, help children stay steady on their feet by providing appropriate footwear and urging caution.
  • Drowning: Children should always be under the supervision of a capable adult. In addition, swimming lessons are an invaluable asset for kids.
  • Overheated Vehicles: Kids die every year from being left in unattended cars during hot weather. Double check that everyone is out of the car when locking up and have kids accompany you into stores or on errands.
  • Heat exhaustion: Keep kids hydrated and make sure they take breaks when the heat index is high. 
  • Unsupervised Play: If older kids are outside without you, be sure they are still visible. In addition, do not allow them to play near busy streets or unknown adults without you with them.

This is only a partial list of dangers to look out for. As adults, we can't prevent every mishap that may happen to our children, but we can take some practical precautions.

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