Sacred Heart

June has traditionally been the month devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The image is an old one, and sometimes hard to relate to for those who envision paintings and statues of Jesus with his exposed heart, sometimes aflame.

I ask you to picture instead John, the beloved disciple of Jesus, as depicted in artwork throughout history [John 13:26] at the last supper where he has tenderly rested his head on the heart of Jesus. John, thought to be the youngest disciple, naturally inclined his sleepy head to the bosom of his brother, Jesus, in a tender, loving pose which has captured the hearts of many for centuries.

In these days of unrest, worry and concern about the safety of our children in schools, our country in the face of those who call us enemy, the epidemic of drug addiction, the rampant bullying that wounds persons for years to come, and the abuse and neglect of children, we turn this month to the tender and loving heart of Jesus, and ask him to comfort us in our time of need.

For mothers and fathers who have lost their children, for parents who have lost their sons and daughters to war and for those who cannot reach the hearts of their children because they are slaves to addiction, we pray that the Sacred and Holy Heart of Jesus will envelop and protect them with an enduring embrace that heals, binds and takes away their wounds. If you had the opportunity to lay your weary head upon the chest of Jesus, what would you whisper to Him? What prayer, what love, what blessing would you seek? Or perhaps you would just lie still there listening to the heartbeat of the one who offers you the love that heals all.

Most gentle and loving heart of Jesus, fill us with the peace, joy and love that only You can offer. Make us fully aware and alive to the comfort You offer as we bind our hearts to Yours. Sweet Jesus, we love You.

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