Is There Anything We Can Do?

Recent news has brought to light many cases of abuse within the Church that had not yet been disclosed. Adding to these criminal acts, some adults in authority who were supposed to protect children, did the opposite by protecting the abusers, rather than the victims/survivors.

Along with the sadness, anger, and frustration we most likely feel, the question on many hearts is, "What can I do to help children?" Many within the Church and without have proposed actions that range from prayer and sacrifice to advocacy. Here at VIRTUS, we want to recommit to equipping you—parents and caring adults—with the knowledge you need to keep children safe. 

Our training was created so that every adult who works with children within a ministerial or school setting has the tools to recognize signs of grooming and abuse, to report it when necessary, and to put safeguards in place that prevent inappropriate behavior. Continuing education in the form of articles and quizzes are intended to give you more information about related issues such as safe environments, physical and emotional boundaries, developing healthy relationships with children and teens, and much more.

The truth is, in the midst of some devastating news, there is something that each of us can do. We are not at fault for the misdeeds of others, but we can be the eyes, ears and advocates of children and vulnerable adults. Your guidance and care for children makes a tremendous difference for those you seek to educate, minister to and protect.

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