No Strangers to the Manger

A Blessed and Happy New Year to you and those you love! As we begin the new year of 2022, we join with you in prayer for health and happiness. Most especially, we raise our voices in prayer for peace throughout our world, and an end to the horrible pandemic, which has cost us so much these past two years.

Pope Francis reminds us to go to the manger for inspiration as we begin the New Year: "The manger challenges us not to give up on anything or anyone. To look upon the manger means to find the strength to take our place in history without complaining or being resentful, without closing in on ourselves or seeking a means of escape, looking for shortcuts in our own interest. Looking at the manger means recognizing that the times ahead call for bold and hope-filled initiatives. Looking at the manger means seeing how God gets involved by involving us, making us part of his work, inviting us to welcome the future courageously and decisively."1

The VIRTUS® family knows well what sacrifices are all about and how so many of you reach out beyond yourselves constantly to aid others in their distress. We know that you stand tall above the crowd in the ways you lead others by your examples of charity and good deeds. We also know that you do this quietly and persistently in the face of so many challenges and distractions from the world. We know that you are no strangers to the manger scene, not simply a spectator, but fully participating in whatever needs to be done, and finding ways in which things could be better. Your actions contribute to saving children and their families. Thank you for the many ways in which you do that. The baby Jesus smiles upon you with abundant joy!

1  Pope Francis, homily 31, December 2016.

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