Knowledge as the First Step to Substance Abuse Prevention

Monday, January 22nd, marks the beginning of National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week. How much do you really know about the effects of drugs and alcohol? I'll be the first to admit that when I took this National Drug and Alcohol IQ Challenge, I was surprised (and a little embarrassed!) by what I didn't know about substance abuse.

"So what if I don't know the ins and outs of alcohol and drug use?", you might be thinking. It's true that this knowledge might not come out in everyday conversation. But as a parenting or caring adult who hopes to help navigate children to make informed choices, information is essential! 

Helping kids and teens to understand the facts and (sometimes lethal) effects of these substances is an important step to prevention. Here are two easy steps to get started:

1.    Take the National Drug and Alcohol IQ Challenge quiz and fill in some gaps in your knowledge about this important issue. Click here.
2.    Find free resources to use within your family or to provide to parents that will help children learn more about the repercussions of substance abuse. Click here.

Help educate the next generation—it really could save a life.

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