Helpdesk Support / FAQs

Please review the quick links below for common support matters and Frequently Asked Questions.

User Names & Passwords / Trouble with entering existing accounts

  • How do I retrieve my User ID and / or password?(Answer)

    If you can't get into your account, do not register for a new one! If you can't remember your User ID, go here. If you can't remember your password, go here.

  • How do I proceed if I can't get into my existing account—do I create a new one?(Answer)

    All users should have just one account. If you can't get into your account, do not register for a new one! If you can't remember your User ID, go here. If you can't remember your password, go here.

  • Are the User ID and password case-sensitive?(Answer)

    Yes, the User ID and password are both case sensitive, and need to be entered exactly as they were created. This means that if you created a username or password with one or more capital letters in it, they need to be entered that same way when attempting to log into your account.

  • I've reset my password, but I still can't get into my account.(Answer)

    Usually, after resetting a password, it's best to go here and attempt to log in from the main homepage. Try this once more from the homepage link above, and then contact us at the VIRTUS National Helpdesk if you still can't enter.

  • For "inactive" or "suspended" accounts—how do I proceed?(Answer)

    If you attempt to log in, but receive a message that says that your account is either "inactive" or "suspended", then your account has been made inactive or has been suspended by a representative at your diocese, most likely because of inactivity. Please speak directly with your diocese so that your account can be updated—usually this means contacting your specific diocesan coordinator located in your diocese. Unfortunately, the VIRTUS National Helpdesk is unable to alter these types of accounts and will need to refer you back to your diocesan representative, unless the individual is transferring from one diocese to another

Inactive / Suspended accounts

  • For "inactive" or "suspended" accounts—how do I proceed?(Answer)

    If you attempt to log in, but receive a message that says that your account is either "inactive" or "suspended", then your account has been made inactive or has been suspended by a representative at your diocese, most likely because of inactivity. Please speak directly with your diocese so that your account can be updated—usually this means contacting your specific diocesan coordinator located in your diocese. Unfortunately, the VIRTUS National Helpdesk is unable to alter these types of accounts and will need to refer you back to your diocesan representative, unless the individual is transferring from one diocese to another

View upcoming session schedule

Registration / Preparing to attend

  • How do I register for a session?(Answer)

    To register for a session, please utilize the Protecting God's Children Registration Instructions handout, which explains how to either pre-register for a session prior to the training; or post-register for that session after the training. You'll either need to do one or the other (not both!), but we prefer that you pre-register for the session so that your information will already appear on the attendance verification sheet that will be provided at the session by the facilitator or local coordinator. It will be important to sign this attendance verification sheet because that's what helps you receive credit for your attendance. Each individual should only have one account.

  • How do I locate my diocese from the drop-down list of options?(Answer)

    All dioceses currently implementing the VIRTUS programs are listed alphabetically in the drop-down list. It can be challenging to find a location because of the quantity of locations in the list. Please review the list again and scroll from the very top of the list down to the bottom.

  • How do I know what my diocese is—and what is a diocese?(Answer)

    If you don't know the name of your diocese or archdiocese, this can usually be determined by asking your local parish or school, or performing an Internet search asking, "What is my diocese / archdiocese" and listing your town / city. A diocese is a geographical district under the pastoral care of a Catholic bishop. In many cases, your diocese may be the largest city that's near to you in the same state.

  • Can my email be associated with more than one account?(Answer)

    We prefer that your email be associated with only one account. This means, husbands and wives (or parents and offspring) should use separate emails if possible—one reason being information security. If you have a hard time remembering your password and ask the online system for assistance, the system will not be able to help you if there is more than one account with your email address.

    Also, it's important to only create one account per person—and to update that account if contact information changes rather than creating a different account and creating duplicates in the system.

  • I took my training already but never created an online account—how do I proceed?(Answer)

    If you're positive that you don't already have an account, you'll need to create one! Simply go to the homepage and select "First-time registrant" and follow the prompts. Eventually, you'll come to a page that asks if you've already attended a session, or if you will attend a session. If you've already attended, you'll need to select that option and then pick your session from the drop-down box. Then, call your diocesan safe-environment office and ask them to approve your attendance (this is based on looking at this online registration you just created, and also your signature on the attendance verification sheet).

  • Is it possible to create a registration after already attending a session?(Answer)

    Yes, it is possible to create an online registration if you've already attended a session. If you're positive that you don't already have an account, you'll need to create one! Simply go to the homepage and select "First-time registrant" and follow the prompts. Eventually, you'll come to a page that asks if you've already attended a session, or if you will attend a session. If you've already attended, you'll need to select that option and then pick your session from the drop-down box. Then, call your diocesan safe-environment office and ask them to approve your attendance (this is based on looking at this online registration you just created, and also your signature on the attendance verification sheet).

  • What if I'm aware of an individual without Internet access who needs registration help?(Answer)

    Utilize the Contact Information Form for Participants Who Have No Internet Access—a handout for those who DO NOT have access to the Internet. This form must be completed by those participants and returned to the Facilitator or Coordinator prior to the end of the awareness session. (Spanish version)

  • Can I bring children to the Protecting God's Children training or is there an age requirement?(Answer)

    The Protecting God's Children program for Adults is specifically geared for adults and children are not allowed. Check with your diocese or local parish / school to see if they offer childcare while the adult attends the session.

  • Do I need to bring anything to the safe-environment session?(Answer)

    Unless you have been instructed differently by a safe-environment coordinator at your diocese, you typically will not need to bring anything to the session except for a writing utensil and a notepad to take notes.

  • What are the refresher training options in my diocese?(Answer)

    The best way to obtain this information is to communicate directly with a safe-environment representative at your local parish / school, or with your diocesan representative.

  • Does my diocese have live training or online training?(Answer)

    This answer depends on your diocese. A way to find out is to ask a local coordinator at your parish, or simply go through the registration process. If you find that the registration process lists only live sessions as options, then you will only be able to attend a live training in your diocese. If there is a choice between the two, please note that most dioceses will only accept live training if you need to transfer from one diocese to another.

  • What if I can't attend the session for which I registered online?(Answer)

    If you can't attend your scheduled session, do not create a brand-new account—simply log back into your existing account and update the page to reflect that you will be attending a different session. The sooner you can do this, the better, so that you're not taking another individual's seat / spot who needs to attend that particular session. This also helps to manage the location's attendance number expectations.

I moved / Need to transfer my account

  • Can I transfer my account from one diocese to another?(Answer)

    If your incoming diocese accepts safe-environment training through the VIRTUS programs, we'll be able to transfer your account from your original diocese to the new diocese. Please submit this request to our online helpdesk ( by emailing us your full name, email address, original diocese and new diocese, your new parish / school, plus a phone number in case we need to contact you.

    Most dioceses accept the VIRTUS training. If the incoming diocese does not accept the VIRTUS training, you'll need to communicate with them to see what training options are available to you. Please note that most dioceses will only accept live training if you need to transfer from one diocese to another.


  • I've moved / retired / switched jobs... How do I inactivate my own account or unsubscribe from the training bulletins?(Answer)

    In order to be removed from the required training list, you'll need to communicate directly with your diocese or local parish. Unfortunately, the VIRTUS National Helpdesk is unable to alter these types of accounts unless the individual is transferring from one diocese to another.

    If you have relocated and volunteer / work in a new diocese, see the FAQ of "Can I transfer my account from one diocese to another?"

  • I am not receiving email reminders each month for my bulletins—can this be fixed?(Answer)

    Often individuals don't receive their email reminders for the online content because an outdated email address is in the system, or because the email account may be viewing the VIRTUS emails erroneously as "spam". If you believe your email is outdated, please refer to the "Updating my contact information" section on this Helpdesk Support page to learn how to update your account to reflect an active email address. By referring to that page in your account, you can also verify we have your most current email.

    It's also possible that your diocese did not set up your account for online training. If this is the case, please see the "Retrieving my required training articles" section within the options on this Helpdesk Support page. In rare cases, keep in mind that you may also be able to set up a monthly "alert" reminder using a calendar or smart phone application if the emails are unreliable.

  • Can my email be associated with more than one account?(Answer)

    We prefer that your email be associated with only one account. This means, husbands and wives (or parents and offspring) should use separate emails if possible—one reason being information security. If you have a hard time remembering your password and ask the online system for assistance, the system will not be able to help you if there is more than one account with your email address.

    Also, it's important to only create one account per person—and to update that account if contact information changes rather than creating a different account and creating duplicates in the system.

  • Isn't my User ID / Login also my email address?(Answer)

    In many cases, an individual's User ID can also be their email address—but this isn't true in all cases. All users should have just one account. If you can't get into your account, do not register for a new one! If you can't remember your password, go here.

  • How can I update my outdated email address?(Answer)

    There are two ways to update your outdated email address. If the training on your account has been approved and your account is active, you can log into your account to update the information. After logging in, select your "Toolbox" tab and then select "Update My Account" from the list on the left. Here you can update your contact information and add an additional parish / school to your account.

    Otherwise, email us at; give us the name of your diocese, your full first and last name, your User ID, the old email and the new one...

Updating my existing account

  • How do I update all of my contact information?(Answer)

    Users will only be able to update their contact information if the account is active and the training attendance has been verified / approved by the diocesan coordinator—which may take up to two weeks or so. If the training has not been approved even after two weeks, the user has the option to communicate with their diocesan coordinator and ask that their attendance be approved. That specific phone number is obtained by logging in and selecting "Contact My Coordinator" from the menu on the left-hand side of the page.

    • If an account has already been approved by a diocesan coordinator, below are the steps to update your contact information:
      • Log in by entering your current User ID and Password into the login page. If you do not know your User ID or Password, please click here.
      • Once you're logged in, click on the "MY TOOLBOX" tab.
      • On the left-hand side of the MY TOOLBOX tab, select "UPDATE MY ACCOUNT".
        • From here you may update your: Legal name; address; email address; phone number; locations where you live, work, worship, volunteer, etc.; and roles / ministries within your diocese.

  • How can I update my outdated email address?(Answer)

    There are two ways to update your outdated email address. If the training on your account has been approved and your account is active, you can log into your account to update the information. After logging in, select your "Toolbox" tab and then select "Update My Account" from the list on the left. Here you can update your contact information and add an additional parish / school to your account.

    Otherwise, email us at; give us the name of your diocese, your full first and last name, your User ID, the old email and the new one...

Printing Certificates / Attendance Credit

  • How do I print a certificate?(Answer)

    You will only be able to print a certificate or verification of training completion if your account has been approved by your diocesan coordinator. If your account has been approved, please follow these steps to print a training verification:

    • Log in by entering your current User ID and Password into the login page. If you don't know your User ID or Password, please click here.
    • Once you're logged in, click on the "Training" tab.
    • On the left-hand side of the page under the "Training" tab, click on "Training Verification / Certificates." In some cases, you may need to select "Live Training" or "Instructor Lead Training" instead.
      • This will enable you to print the screen to show a training verification. If your diocese allows certificates to be printed, there will be a certificate option on this page.
    Note: some dioceses don't allow the participants to print formal certificates from their VIRTUS accounts. In this instance, you can still log in and print the first screen that has a training verification listed, or communicate directly with your diocese to obtain a formal certificate.
  • How do I receive credit for my attendance to a live session?(Answer)

    In order to receive credit for a live session, there must be both: a.) an online registration, and also b.) a participant signature within the attendance verification sheet at the session. After the session has been conducted, the attendance sheet is often sent to a diocesan office and reviewed by a diocesan representative. The diocesan representative then gives attendance credit to each attending individual by comparing the signatures with the online registrations. If you find that your account still has not received credit after several weeks (where you log in and can't access a certificate), then please communicate directly with your diocesan safe-environment office, or local coordinator at your parish / school.

    Note: the VIRTUS Helpdesk will not be able to approve your training attendance—these inquiries must be directed to your specific diocesan coordinator.

  • How long does it take for my training to be verified / approved and for my account to be activated?(Answer)

    Users will have more account access if the account is active and the training attendance has been verified / approved by the diocesan coordinator—which may take up to two weeks or so. If the training has not been approved even after two weeks, the user has the option to communicate with their diocesan coordinator and ask that their attendance be approved. That specific phone number is obtained by logging in and selecting "Contact My Coordinator" from the menu on the left-hand side of the page.

    Note: the VIRTUS Helpdesk will not be able to approve your training attendance—these inquiries must be directed to your specific diocesan coordinator.

  • If my training attendance hasn't been approved yet, what should I do?(Answer)

    If you do not think your training attendance has been approved, simply communicate with your local parish or diocesan coordinator. Keep in mind that if it has only been a couple of days, it may still be in process. The person in your diocese who is approving your attendance needs to see your signature on the sign-in sheet, and also the presence of an online account. If you never created or pre-registered for the session with an online account, you will need to create one by utilizing the Protecting God's Children Registration Instructions handout. Please only have one account in the system.

  • I took my training already but never created an online account—how do I proceed?(Answer)

    If you're positive that you don't already have an account, you'll need to create one! Simply go to the homepage and select "First-time registrant" and follow the prompts. Eventually, you'll come to a page that asks if you've already attended a session, or if you will attend a session. If you've already attended, you'll need to select that option and then pick your session from the drop-down box. Then, call your diocesan safe-environment office and ask them to approve your attendance (this is based on looking at this online registration you just created, and also your signature on the attendance verification sheet).

Training options in my diocese

  • What are the refresher training options in my diocese?(Answer)

    The best way to obtain this information is to communicate directly with a safe-environment representative at your local parish / school, or with your diocesan representative.

  • Does my diocese have live training or online training?(Answer)

    This answer depends on your diocese. A way to find out is to ask a local coordinator at your parish, or simply go through the registration process. If you find that the registration process lists only live sessions as options, then you will only be able to attend a live training in your diocese. If there is a choice between the two, please note that most dioceses will only accept live training if you need to transfer from one diocese to another.

  • How do I know what my diocese is—and what is a diocese?(Answer)

    If you don't know the name of your diocese or archdiocese, this can usually be determined by asking your local parish or school, or performing an Internet search asking, "What is my diocese / archdiocese" and listing your town / city. A diocese is a geographical district under the pastoral care of a Catholic bishop. In many cases, your diocese may be the largest city that's near to you in the same state.

My existing account has issues

  • How do I retrieve my required training articles once I log into my account?(Answer)

    All individuals who have been designated by the Diocese as having online continued training will have a "Training" tab at the top of the page when they log into their accounts. If you're aware that you're supposed to have access to the online training but don't have a "Training" tab, please communicate with your diocesan coordinator. It most likely means that your account needs to be updated or approved by your diocese.

  • My account doesn't have a training tab when I log in.(Answer)

    If you know that you need to complete additional training online, then your account will usually have a "training" tab when you successfully log in. If it does not have a training tab and you can't access the required training, either a.) Your account needs to be approved by your diocese, or b.) Your account isn't granted the proper training access. In both of these cases, you will need to communicate with a representative in your diocese and ask them to update your account.

Background Checks

  • I have questions about the background checks in my diocese?(Answer)

    Some dioceses have a Background Check (BGC) interface with the VIRTUS registration process or a different type of BGC process that does not involve the VIRTUS registration.

    If you have questions about the BGCs in your diocese, you'll either need to communicate with your local parish / school, diocese or directly with the BGC company. If your diocese requests that you use tokens, all questions should be referred back to your individual parish / school.

  • If experiencing challenges with the Background Check, what do I do?(Answer)

    Some dioceses have a Background Check (BGC) interface with the VIRTUS registration process. Other dioceses have a different type of BGC process that does not involve the VIRTUS registration. If you have questions about what information to enter into the BGC or are experiencing difficulties with your BGC online or in person, you'll either need to communicate with your local parish / school, diocese or directly with the BGC company. If your diocese requests that you use tokens, all questions should be referred back to your individual parish / school.

Additional resources / miscellaneous

  • Is there a sample Protecting God's Children Sessions Sign-In Sheet Template?(Answer)

    The Sample Protecting God's Children Session Sign-in Sheet—a template which may be used for a sign-in sheet for a Protecting God's Children for Adults Session. (Spanish version)

  • I took my training already but never created an online account—how do I proceed?(Answer)

    If you're positive that you don't already have an account, you'll need to create one! Simply go to the homepage and select "First-time registrant" and follow the prompts. Eventually, you'll come to a page that asks if you've already attended a session, or if you will attend a session. If you've already attended, you'll need to select that option and then pick your session from the drop-down box. Then, call your diocesan safe-environment office and ask them to approve your attendance (this is based on looking at this online registration you just created, and also your signature on the attendance verification sheet).

  • I attended the session but did not receive any handouts. Do you have any additional resources?(Answer)

    Please look at our Resource page options for additional resources.

  • Is there a difference between the VIRTUS and VIRTUS Online websites?(Answer)

    There is no difference between and; both domains will function for the VIRTUS user, and one isn't better than the other.

  • Is the VIRTUS National Helpdesk located in my diocese?(Answer)

    The VIRTUS National Helpdesk call center is in Tulsa, Oklahoma. While the Helpdesk has a relationship with each diocese / archdiocese, the Helpdesk phone representative with whom you speak isn't located within the same diocesan or parish / school office as your local or diocesan safe-environment coordinators. There are many instances where the phone operator will need to defer you to your local diocesan coordinator or parish / school office.

My FAQ is unlisted, and I still need assistance

  • I can't find my question. How do I communicate with the VIRTUS Help Desk?(Answer)

    After reviewing the Online Help / FAQs section, for additional questions regarding online assistance, message us using our Online Helpdesk Email Form.

  • If I do need to speak directly to a VIRTUS Helpdesk representative, what should I say?(Answer)

    Please be ready to simply give us your first and last name, the spelling of your name and your diocese. You may be surprised to learn of how many different spellings there are of seemingly common names, so it helps us when you're ready to spell your name during the lookup process! This information will help us to parse through more than two million accounts in our database to obtain the right one in an efficient manner. Then we'll be able to help solve the problem that you're experiencing.

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