We Are Scared, but God is Ever Near

We have glimpses of how isolated and lonely victims feel, even when there are psychologists, physicians, family and friends all around them. We feel alone, scared and don't know what to do. The stores we relied on and supported with our business over the years have empty shelves. The great attention we have paid to the details of our health, eating right and exercising, give way now to a virus that creeps into our lives, unknown, unwanted, uninvited and petrifying. 

Under the door, a note appears from our neighbor, almost a stranger, offering to help with anything we might need. A poem comes in an email from a friend far away offering words of comfort. People sing from their windows and allow their neighbors to hear joy despite the isolation. Calls come in from family and friends offering encouragement. Companies send notices of support, understanding and offerings of help, waiving fees, being compassionate. Empathy comes from strangers who offer you assistance when you need it most. God is ever near. In the persons, places and things He sends our way, He is vividly present. He will not abandon us; He will not let us down. He will unite us as His children and care for us as He always has through the gifts of persons, places and even the silence that perhaps we need now. The noise has been great, the pace most hectic, the stress overwhelming. Perhaps now we will see even more clearly that God has always kept His promises. While we may be forced to close doors, hunker down, be to ourselves, there are always ways to open our hearts to God's voice, comforting, urging and propelling us forward. God is ever near!

We, at VIRTUS, are sending prayers, sincere thoughts and comforting hope to each of you during this health crisis.



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