Ash Wednesday: We Are Ambassadors

Brothers and sisters:
We are ambassadors for Christ,
as if God were appealing through us.
We implore you on behalf of Christ,
be reconciled to God.
—2 Corinthians 5:20-21

We begin the Lenten season being reminded through the second reading from Ash Wednesday that we are representatives of Christ in our world-bringing the message of the Gospels to each person we meet by living the message vividly. By doing so, we bring people the message that they can do nothing without Godeverything with Godand that putting their relationships right with Him makes everything in their life amazing.

When we live our lives reconciled with God, we see clearly. Our vision is not blurred by our own desires, wants and ambitions. Our mind is clear to see the path we need to follow-and everything falls into place after that. When we are reconciled to the God, who gave his life for us, we have no qualms about giving our lives in service and love for others. No matter what befalls us, we have great access to graces that sustain us and help us give meaning to our sufferings. Life isn't easy; it never was. The season of Lent brings us closer to who we are as Christians and reminds us of our ultimate goal: union with Jesus.

The message of Saint Paul rings true more than 2000 years laterwe are ambassadors for Christ, whose message of Love continues to change the world. When we accept that message each Lent, we carry forth the great work God planned for ussimply to live the message of the Gospels. In each and every moment of this Lenten season, may you fully embrace the opportunities of Love set before you. How marvelous that would be for each of us to embrace Love as a way of life.

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