Sadness - Grief - Sorrow

The reality of our times can feel a bit overwhelming. Sorrow is everywhere as people are isolated, sick, lonely and mourn the loss of family and friends. The pandemic keeps people from visiting hospitals and health care facilities where their loved ones may be suffering alone. This web page is always filled with optimism and hope, all the while dealing with important and challenging topics that directly affect children, vulnerable persons and families.

It is time, however, to pause and to reflect what these past months have brought us the world over. While so many have survived and many have shown heroic virtue in saving lives, many have suffered and died from the COVID-19 Virus. We are sick from it, tired and depressed from the news that flashes on all of our screens hourly. We must not forget these individuals, loved by God, who died separated from their loved ones. We have devoted words and prayers for the heroes and first responders, but now, we take the time to memorialize those who have died.

We know better. We know that they are with God and his love and mercy envelops them. We know that His full presence comforted them in their darkest hours, and we know that He sent His sweet messengers of nurses and aides to hold hands and whisper comforting words in the absence of loved ones.

Nonetheless, our hearts are broken, and we may feel overwhelmed and angry. We don't understand it all, the theft of lives, the suffering and isolation. Yet, there is always hope.

We are here, O God, and we ask You to be with us in every way we need so that we can move through our sadness to a place of peace and light. Please hear our prayer.

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