Healing Masses

Our closeness to the heart of Jesus in the Eucharist cannot be matched. The blessed institution of our Catholic Faith in celebrating the memorial of our salvation heals, unites, fortifies, saves, transforms and empowers us. The real presence of Christ fills us with love that makes all things new.

For those of us who are burdened with the effects of abuse, the lasting effects of celebrating the Eucharist helps us to manage our lives in a way that is congruent to the peace we seek. The power of the sacraments helps us to make sense of the joys and sorrows that we encounter every day. Have you ever been to a funeral liturgy of a loved one or friend, and felt transformed when it was finished? The beauty of our liturgies allows for the full expression of powerful emotion—uniting all of these strong feelings in the power of God's love. We have a beautiful gift in the Sacraments, which impart grace to each of us who participate—grace that changes the way we see things, experience them and understand them. The celebration of the Eucharist unities our broken hearts to Christ's heart and we are made whole.

Healing Masses1 for those who have suffered abuse are available across the world in local Cathedrals and parishes. If you see one announced, do everything in your power to attend. If you don't hear of them, please contact your diocesan safe environment or victim assistance office and ask for one. Even if you have not been affected personally by abuse, attend one. Your prayerful support will contribute greatly to the healing of each of us. Without words, by our presence alone, we contribute to powerful healing. We raise our voices in song, in praise, in supplication and in words offering our pain to God who sends us healing love. It might be difficult for you to attend, to enter a church even, but remember this: God is bigger than any awful abuse, and God lives in you, making you powerful and helping you to handle anything.

1   https://www.usccb.org/offices/child-and-youth-protection/victim-assistance

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