Introducing the Protecting God's Children® Program
The National Catholic Risk Retention Group, Inc., is pleased to present a brief introduction to our Protecting God's Children program. This "Flash" presentation exemplifies the information provided in our child sexual abuse awareness sessions for adults. If you have attended an awareness session, this presentation will repeat some of the information presented in our two awareness videos: A Time to Protect God's Children and A Plan to Protect God's Children. Please note. If you are required to complete online training, the material on this page is merely a preview and does not count for your required training. You'll need to log into your account in order to access your required online training
To preview the Protecting God's Children awareness session, please click the link below to start the 11-minute presentation. If you have questions or comments about our programs or our website, please click here to send us an email message. And, either way, please visit our website frequently. New risk management information is added each week, with an emphasis on articles and interactive features designed to increase the public awareness about child sexual abuse, and to provide adults with the knowledge and tools they need to help prevent and, if necessary, to respond appropriately to child sexual abuse.