What we Offer

  • Evidence-based training programs (based on research) for adults and youth to prevent and respond to abuse and other harm (featuring in-person training, live webinars, or individual online options).
  • A state-of-the-art online platform to provide resources, tracking and compliance functionality.
  • Customization options for both training and the online platform.
  • Customer service focused on you and your organization!


VIRTUS® Online Platform and Capabilities

Training for Adults

Training for Children and Youth




Training for Adults

The VIRTUS training programs can be utilized in live, webinar or individual online settings. For live or webinar sessions, we can equip the people you select to be facilitators by providing training from an experienced VIRTUS Master trainer. The online training modules are also customizable. We can add an additional lesson to any of the modules that pulls from your policy or code of conduct, or to provide any necessary additional information you would like participants to know. Online modules can also be utilized as live trainings with a facilitator.


Protecting God's Children® Awareness Program 4.0

The Protecting God's Children for Adults training is a research-based training program that educates adults on how to become better protectors of children from child sexual abuse. Participants will learn how to become safer adults who are a part of the solution to prevent, and respond to, child sexual abuse. The program includes the videos of A Time to Protect God's Children™ and A Plan to Protect God's Children™.

Throughout the training, participants will learn:

  • The reality and context of child sexual abuse, as well as victim/survivor advocacy.
  • How to identify problematic behavior that adults exhibit.
  • How abuse affects survivors, their families, and their communities.
  • The importance of maintaining healthy boundaries with children and youth.
  • Empowering action items and five comprehensive research-based steps to prevent and effectively respond to child sexual abuse, including: identifying warning signs of adult behavior, screening and selecting employees and volunteers, using technology appropriately when interacting with minors, responding to disclosures from children and youth, communicating concerns about inappropriate behavior and reporting suspected abuse.

The Protecting God's Children program features an in-person, live webinar and individual online versions. In the in-person and live webinar versions, a licensed VIRTUS facilitator helps to guide participants through a robust discussion to emphasize key points. The online version features video content and comprehension questions. Available in English and Spanish, with subtitled versions in English (closed captioned), Korean, Vietnamese, French, Burmese, Polish and Portuguese.


Protecting All Children™

The Protecting All Children program is very similar to the Protecting God's Children program—without visuals or references to religious organizations—and better suited to non-Catholic or secular entities. The program is geared toward any organization that may involve children, youth or the vulnerable.


Healthy Boundaries for Adults: Boundary Development and Implementation™

This module addresses the proper development of healthy boundaries, and the implementation of them within the ministry environment. The module seeks to equip the caring adult with the information needed to move past simply understanding boundaries and helps to put them into practice. Best practices of appropriate and inappropriate behavior will be discussed. Training groups include necessary boundaries between adults and children in ministry, and necessary boundaries between adults in ministry together. Time investment: approx. 60 minutes to complete. Available in English and Spanish.


Boundaries Awareness: Continuing Aspects of Human Formation for Clergy and Religious™

This module addresses the proper development and implementation of healthy boundaries to equip clergy and religious for the ministry environment. Best practices of appropriate, inappropriate and necessary behavior are delineated for ministry between clergy or religious and other adults, and for ministry between clergy or religious and children.


Mandated and Ethical Reporter Training 1.0: Caring Adults and Reporting Child Abuse™

This module addresses aspects relating to ethical and mandatory reporting. Mandated reporters are required by law to report suspected cases of child abuse and neglect, generally required when a person has contact with children. While laws vary from state to state, an organization may also have an ethics policy that increases the employee or volunteer's responsibility and requires everyone to report suspected abuse to the state's child protective services or the police. Time investment: approx. 30 minutes to complete. Available in English and Spanish. This module is customizable with space to include your own organization and state's reporting information.


Technology and Virtual Boundaries Awareness: Online Communication with Youth

In the ever-changing world of technology, understanding the concept of "virtual boundaries" is critical as employees and volunteers may have electronic contact with minors. This module delineates appropriate virtual boundaries, monitoring, best practices and communicating concerns. It may be utilized as a stand-alone module or combined with any other module as a "Technology Expansion." Time investment: approx. 10 minutes to complete. Available in English and Spanish.


Child Sexual Abuse Awareness Module™ 1.0

This module focuses on the sexual abuse of children, with regard to prevention and proper response. Also included is information on upholding proper boundaries and how to address a child's disclosure, in addition to reporting material to authorities based on the level of concern. Time investment: approx. 35 minutes to complete. Available in English and Spanish.


Protecting God's Children from Maltreatment Session 4.1

This module educates adults on how to become better protectors of children from all types of child maltreatment, including physical abuse, emotional / verbal abuse, sexual abuse and neglect. The program has video excerpts from the videos of A Time to Protect God's Children™ and A Plan to Protect God's Children™ surrounded by other compelling video content. Viewers become aware of the context and issues surrounding child abuse, methods and means by which offenders harm youth, and the ways in which abuse affects victims and the entire community. Participants are also empowered with action items and five easy steps to prevent and best respond to each type of child maltreatment, including information on communicating concerns and reporting. Time investment: approx. 50 minutes. Available in English and Spanish.


Teaching Boundaries and Safety Module™ 2.0

This module is an online training that provides best practices for employees, volunteers, caring adults and parents, equipping them on how to be better protectors of children, and on how to teach children to better protect themselves. This online module builds from the foundation of the Teaching Boundaries and Safety Guide™, and provides easy conversation starters, bulleted tips and quick summaries of pertinent information. It can be used as a standalone online training or supplemental training to provide any adult a self-paced resource on a variety of topics ranging from age-appropriate discussions, how to communicate with all ages, problematic behavior that would raise concerns, and pro-tips and resources for communication. Time investment: approx. 30 minutes to complete. Available in English and Spanish.


Vulnerable Adult Training™ 2.0

This new and improved module was completely redesigned from version 1.0, and addresses the varied types of abuse surrounding vulnerable adults, including the vulnerability of persons living with intellectual and developmental disabilities. A multidimensional program, this module first looks at the definitions, context and reality of Vulnerable Adult abuse. Then, five steps are presented to help caring adults know proper behavior to both prevent abuse and to properly respond if aware of a problem. It can be utilized as a supplemental training, a refresher training, or even a stand-alone program for care providing or helping adults specifically involved in Vulnerable Adult Ministry. It is available as an online, live, or printed format. Time investment: approx. 45 minutes to complete. Available in English and Spanish.


Vulnerable Adult Training 2.0 Expansion on Shelters™

This module is an optional extension to the Vulnerable Adult Training 2.0, with more information on interacting with vulnerable adults in shelter types of settings, and how that can impact providing care, receiving care and communicating concerns. Time investment: approx. 10 minutes to complete. Available in English and Spanish.


Sexual Harassment Online Training Module™ 1.0

This module assists organizations in creating healthier working environments to reduce inappropriate sexual harassment conduct, prevent future occurrences and reduce risk. It helps identify problematic behavior, develop safe best practices and guides how to report before a situation becomes escalated. Caring adults will have an opportunity to review case studies and answer interactive questions designed to evaluate comprehension. Time investment: approx. 50 minutes to complete. Available in English and Spanish.


Anti-Harassment Training Module™ 2.0

While workplace behavior is typically appropriate, there are some actions that can be construed as harassment or bullying. No organization is immune from harassment that can take multiple forms. The Anti-Harassment Training Module 2.0 is the enhanced, second edition of the Sexual Harassment Training Module 1.0, that includes multiple types of discrimination and adult bullying. This anti-harassment training covers the following specific items, and more, such as the different types of verbal and non-verbal harassment, prevention and proper response, best practices for a positive work environment, the complaint process, retaliation, and resources. Time investment: approx. 65 minutes to complete. Available in English and Spanish.


Anti-Harassment Training module 2.0 Manager Expansion™

This module is an extension to the Anti-Harassment Training Module 2.0, specifically for managers and supervisors. Managers and supervisors first participate in the Anti-Harassment Training Module 2.0, then transition seamlessly to the add-on Manager Expansion. This module has case study examples and interactive questions to evaluate comprehension, in addition to:

  • Awareness and application of the law for compliance.
  • Understanding connections between inappropriate behavior, bullying, harassment & discrimination.
  • Assistance on developing an organizational culture of civility and respect.
  • Tips to observe the environment and proactively address questionable behavior before escalation.
  • Best practices, protocols, and suggested language for receiving and addressing complaints.

Time investment: approx. 95 minutes to complete. This program is currently available in English.


The International Priests™ Program

This program equips international priests with insights on appropriate boundaries and accepted behaviors within the U.S., and clarifies challenging aspects of ministering within the U.S. It is supplemental training for the international priest that complements any other safe environment program currently being used by the religious congregation, community, or diocese. The program also strengthens the priests' ability to recognize unsafe behavior and take action ahead of time within a culture not their own. This safe environment awareness program for international priests is available in USB format and as an online module. A manual to help facilitate the session is included in the materials. Time investment: approx. 50 minutes to complete.


Pathways™ Continuing Education Program for Religious Orders

Pathways™ is an online continuing education program for Religious Orders with training, tracking, and reporting capabilities. Primarily for religious communities, this training houses topics addressing matters relevant to living religious life, and also assists with maintaining accreditation within the religious Provinces. Four comprehensive training bulletins are assigned to participants throughout each year with an included retention question and points for reflection and discussion (this covers and exceeds what is required for each member for each year of accreditation). A theological focus is paramount in each Training Bulletin, while also integrating aspects for mental, spiritual, physical, and emotional health. And, current topics are written by leaders in the field. We are well-acquainted with the demands of ministry that Religious Communities face on a daily basis, where members are challenged with bringing forth the Gospel in an ever-changing world. This program can be used as a refresher training and has the option for printing hard copies of bulletins for the technologically stressed. Time investment: varies. Available in English and Spanish.


Yearly or Quarterly Recertification Modules

Yearly or quarterly recertification modules can be utilized in a variety of ways. The modules contain a recap of materials specific to the prevention of child abuse and abuse of the vulnerable in modular format. The recertification modules can be automatically assigned to the user by the VIRTUS system. Time investment: varies. Available in English and Spanish.


Children's Program Lesson Leader Orientation and Certification Training™

A "Lesson Leader" may be the person designated by the parish/school to provide the safe environment lessons to youth or may also be the parent/guardian. This module assists the Lesson Leader, regardless of their role in the youth's life, by equipping them with essential elements to be successful in leading the lessons. It includes foundational concepts, practical orientation on preparing both the provided Lesson Plans and the environment, and information on how to navigate child disclosures and reporting.

This is a trackable, self-paced program that has two access points per the intended participant: it can be assigned electronically to the organization's designated Lesson Leaders to assist them in leading the children in our Empowering God's Children safe environment lessons for youth. It can also be provided specifically to parents through a dedicated link. Time investment: approx. 25 minutes to complete. This module is available in English and Spanish.


Training for Children and Youth

The VIRTUS Children's Program is a comprehensive suite of materials to provide lesson plans for all grade levels. Although it is the role of adults to protect children and youth from sexual abuse, we must also give children and youth the tools they need to partner with us. This program assists dioceses and organizations in providing safe environment messaging to children, in an age appropriate manner.


Empowering God's Children® Program

Although it is the role of adults to protect minors from sexual abuse, we must also give children and youth boundary tools to better partner with us in their safety. Built on the foundation of the latest research, collaboration with survivors and partnership with experts, the VIRTUS Empowering God's Children Program works with dioceses, organizations and parents to advocate for children's safety needs within all grade levels, Pre-K through 12th grade. The comprehensive suite of program materials include:

  • Age-appropriate lesson plans in English and Spanish (for classroom instruction or parent-led instruction).
  • Introductory videos, the Power to Protect, laying the ground work for students.
  • Lessons covering multiple topics relating to personal safety, boundaries, prevention and disclosing.
  • Ability for each Lesson Leader to access the materials needed to teach each lesson, including a Teaching Boundaries and Safety Guideâ„¢ resource.
  • Orientation training for Lesson Leaders with the ability to track the progress of completed training.
  • Templates of Opt-out forms, with options for customization.
  • Ability to electronically track and report the number of students trained.
  • Option to select program materials a-la-carte or bundled together in a package.


Healthy Relationships for Teens™ 2.0

As children mature, they will have more opportunities to make decisions about their safety and boundaries. This online module is primarily intended for youth to help them identify the differences between healthy and unhealthy relationships to further protect them from abuse in any environment and with any person. The module also equips teens to follow a plan to "do the right thing" for themselves, and others, upon recognizing an unhealthy situation. Caring adults may also partake of this module as well, as the material is not simply applicable to teens. Healthy relationships lead to happy lives. Time investment: approx. 35 minutes to complete. This program is currently available in English.


Healthy Relationships for Teens 2.0 Expansion with Safe Environment Components™

This online module is an extension to the Healthy Relationships for Teens 2.0 and is expanded with Safe Environment Information. It is intended for minors who assist the organization in a limited capacity, whether the youth is a volunteer helper, a youth seeking service hours, or as a youth employed by the organization. In any program or environment involving children, there are special considerations to note, and an increased level of observation is required. While the responsibility of safeguarding children is 100% that of adults, teens can assist in this endeavor, too. Time investment: approx. 40 minutes to complete. This program is currently available in English.


For additional information about the VIRTUS Programs or modules, including preview requests, how we can help provide training or support within your organization, please contact us by email at info@virtus.org, or by phone at 1-888-847-8870. We look forward to hearing from you!





















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